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sustainable products and services
The origin of your product and the environmental and social practices used in its production.
Your consumption towards more responsible products that have a positive impact on nature and the communities that directly depend on it.
Your actions and expand the impact of responsible consumption.

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La Campesina is an organization of 11 cocoa producers, located in Comalcalco, Tabasco, who produce authentic products derived from cocoa, offering maximum quality control, from manufacturing to marketing in harmony with nature. Get to know them!

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How is a product more sustainable?
At Rainforest Alliance and Markets for a Sustainable Future, we see sustainability as a journey in which there is always more to be done to increase and improve impact. A more sustainable product is one that, from the beginning, was produced using natural, human and economic resources responsibly and efficiently. Throughout its production chain, from the procurement of natural resources to the sale of the final product, it provides benefits to the environment, protects public health and increases social welfare. This is why we have created the directory of more sustainable products and services, which seeks to bring people closer to responsible consumption.

What does responsible consumption mean?
Responsible consumption refers to a way of consuming products or services consciously and critically, thinking about what is best in all aspects for people and nature. A consumer who knows his or her rights is guided by social and environmental criteria, takes into account the origen-value for money and seeks to contribute to a more favorable environment for all, is a responsible consumer. With our directory of more sustainable products and services we aim to make it easier for consumers to make responsible choices.

Let's consume environmentally friendly products
Environmentally friendly products are, by definition, produced based on regulations for the care and protection of the environment and public health. For their production it is not allowed to use agrochemicals that are dangerous for people and nature, these products cannot be transgenic or altered in any way. In the directory of more sustainable products and services you will find a list of products ranging from food to hygiene, and other industries.

The advantage of more sustainable products
Good for your health - Good for nature, on which we all depend - Good for the communities that produce them.